1. Bible: Complete in 66 books. Inspired by God and without error in the original languages. The Bible is the first, last, and final authority for faith and life.
2. God: There is one God existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Co-equal and self-existent, the Living God is the Almighty Creator and Sustainer of the universe and all it contains.
3. Man: All mankind was created for fellowship with God. All mankind was created in the image and likeness of God and all mankind fell in Adam, having totally lost all spiritual life, becoming in need of redemption.
4. Jesus Christ: The only Son of God was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary and was truly God (deity) and truly man. We believe in His miracles; His substitutionary and atoning death on the cross; His bodily resurrection, ascension, and imminent return to Earth.
5. Salvation: By faith alone in Christ Jesus, who died for our sins and rose again. It is based on the sovereign grace of God, freely given apart from any human merit, works, or ritual. It is the finished work of Christ.
6. Sanctification: Every “born again” believer is promised positional and progressive sanctification. As Christ works in us the result is a right life and good works that have been prepared for us by God. Ultimately we will be like him when we see him face to face.
7. Assurance of Salvation: All who are born of the Spirit through faith in Christ can have assurance of salvation and are eternally secure in Christ.
8. Holy Spirit: All true believers are indwelt by, baptized with, sealed by and experience regeneration through the Holy Spirit, who is God, and as we “yield” he fills us and we experience the victorious and abundant life that is truly life. His gifts are dispensed according to His grace.
9. Church: Composed of all true believers everywhere. It is the body of Christ and the bride of Christ. A royal priesthood. It is called together by God to worship in Spirit and truth. As God’s children to live a holy life of service and testimony in the power of the Holy Spirit, and to carry the Gospel message to the whole world. Worship, prayer, fellowship, instruction, evangelism, and the ordinances of water baptism and the Lord’s supper are its essential parts. Christ is the head of the church. All direction, purpose, and empowerment come from Him. His command is to (agape) love him, each other, and everyone else.
10. We believe in a literal Heaven and Hell.